  • Aerial Yoga

    Aerial yoga, also sometimes known as Fly Yoga or Anti-Gravity Yoga, combines traditional yoga poses, stretching techniques and pilates with the use of a hammock. The class consists of a warm up, strengthening exercises and yoga poses that can be adjusted for all skill levels. The hammock can be used to make the poses more accessible or more challenging, depending on the skill level of the participants. We end the class by turning our hammock into a cocoon and doing our final resting pose, savasana, while floating in the air - a very relaxing experience! We are lucky to have a certified instructor on our Eríal team, so if you have ever had an interest, now is the time to try it! Instructor: Tereza  

    Aerial Hammock

    As the name suggests, this class is also performed in a hammock. It is slightly different from Aerial Yoga as in this class we focus more on transitioning between poses in the hammock to create combos, flows, or mini routines. These combos can also be done while spinning! Fun class that strengthens your body and coordination as well as improving flexibility. All skill levels welcome! Instructor: Lilja Salóme   We typically offer hammock classes (sometimes yoga, sometimes flow, sometimes both!) on Sundays in the early afternoon. Keep an eye on our live schedule for updates! To attend this class we recommend either purchasing a Monthly Pass or dropping in with a Klippikort. Looking forward to seeing you!    
  • Áskrift hjá Eríal Pole

    11.600 kr.36.400 kr.


    1x í viku - 11.600 kr á mánuði 2x í viku - 18.200 kr á mánuði 3x í viku - 27.300 kr á mánuði  Ótakmarkaðir tímar - 36.400 kr á mánuði Lyklaaðgangur: Bættu lyklaaðgangi við áskriftina þína fyrir 6.000kr á mánuði. Lágmark 6 mánaða binditími.

    ATH: Vinsamlegast lestu skilmálana vandlega til að tryggja að þetta sé rétti kosturinn fyrir þig.

    NOTE: Please read the terms and conditions carefully to ensure this is the right option for you.

    Lágmarksbinditími er 6 mánuðir. Uppsagnarfrestur eru þrír mánuðir.

    Minimum commitment period is 6 months. Cancellation notice period is 3 months.

    Áskriftargjöld eru greidd fyrirfram. Nemendur greiða fyrstu greiðslu hér en framtíðargreiðslur koma til greiðslu í heimabanka 1. dag hvers mánaðar fyrir komandi mánuð. Eindagi reikninga verður 5. dag hvers mánaðar. Með því að staðfesta og greiða þessa áskrift samþykkir þú skilmála Eríal Pole sem eru hér að neðan.

    Við viljum biðja nemendur um að skrifa í athugasemd kennitölu og námskeið sem þau vilja vera skráð á.

    Please write your kennitala and classes you are interested in in the comments.    

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