(Íslenskar þýðingar væntanlegar!)

Level descriptions and requirements are currently in progress and subject to change


Intro to pole: In this completely beginner-friendly course, you will learn the absolute basics of pole fitness and dancing. No dancing, gymnastics, or any exercise background needed! Even if you have never set foot in a gym or pair of trainers, you will get started in a safe, welcoming, and positive environment. This course is for anyone and everyone who has an interest in the pole, a willingness to learn (sometimes the hard way!) and a good attitude.
Comparable to early level 1

High Beginner pole fitness: Once you’ve completed our intro to pole course (or something similar at another studio), you’re ready to start taking beginner classes! You should be comfortable with basic moves, spins, sits, and be able to climb at least halfway up the pole. In these classes, you will build on the skills you learned in intro and start to build the strength and body awareness required to build combos and tackle more challenging tricks. We will work on static spins, different grips and climbs, conditioning, and learning to invert. No matter how long you’ve been practicing, you can always come to beginner classes to review your basics, and maybe even learn something cute that you may have missed along the way.
Requirements: Dip spin, falling lady, basic and cross-legged fireman, pole sit/stand/plank, front and back hook, fan kick, skater pose, first steps of climb, comfortable in strong hold position, basic grip, half-bracket grip
Comparable to level 2

Intermediate: To join intermediate classes, you should be able to lift both feet off the floor easily and hold 1-2 spins. You will continue to build strength and focus more on combining tricks and strengthening your inverts. We’ll work on getting comfortable upside down, training leg hangs, crucifix, dismounts, prepping for shoulder mount, and more. You will learn to challenge your body in different ways, increasing mobility and pain tolerance (no one will escape Superman!) There are many things to learn at this level, and many students attend these classes for years, still challenging themselves and having a good time.
Requirements: able to climb to the top, forearm climb, beginning of side climb, comfortably lift both feet off the floor, hold 2 handed spins, knee hooks from floor, side martini elbow hook, able to get upside down safely (basic invert)
Comparable to level 3/4

High Intermediate: Once you’re confident in all the moves from the beginner and intermediate classes, you just might be High Intermediate. Here you will learn tricks based off of inverts, different holds and grips, and working on core moves like leg hangs, shoulder mount, layback, jade, allegra, brass monkey, one-handed spins, etc. You will challenge your endurance and mental fortitude, learning through failure, repetition, and determination. Don’t worry though, it’s a lot more fun than it sounds.
Requirements: chopper, inverted crucifix, butterfly outside leg hang, armpit hold, ballerina, inside/outside leg hang, leg switches, hip hold
Comparable to strong level 3/4/little 5

Advanced: If you’ve mastered most of the intermediate curriculum and want to challenge yourself even further, there’s advanced. You’ll use many of the core moves from the other levels and how to weave them together to create combos and stay on the pole for longer. And of course learn new, more complex tricks. You need a strong invert and even stronger spirit.
Requirements: shoulder mount, one-handed spins, layback, aerial invert, climb-over, brass monkey, ayesha (handspring or from invert)
Comparable to level 5, some current level 4 students may be ready

Ludicrous: Only for the absolutely insane. Think fonji, regrips, flips, jumps, kips, and more. Join at your own risk!
Requirements: All tricks from advanced, ayesha from multiple entries; contact us before registering

Open levels

Spins and Combos: Intermediate and up. Adaptable to various levels. Need to be comfortable with basics and being off the floor, but no inverting required. Progressions offered for more advanced students, and regressions for more beginner. Heels optional.

Power Hour: High intermediate and up (but should have basic shoulder mount). We’ll drill power-based tricks like ayesha, deadlifts, etc, various methods of inverting and swings, jumps and flips, and the conditioning needed to achieve these.